Friday, May 4, 2007

girl 34

We are officially 1/3 way through this project!
Yep you guessed it. It's: POAST WUN HUNDERD!

I've been wanting to do a fantasy type watercolor for this blog for the past few weeks but it is hard! I finally did something worth while today. Looking to Alan Lee for inspiration even though there aren't any good pictures of his work online. I wanted to do a really mysterious, beautiful forest in the backround, one where any moment you might see some manner of fantastic little creature poke out from behind a tree. But it didnt seem to fit the figure I already had...Psh planning? thumbnails? Who needs 'em?



Blogger Katie Rose said...

totally sweet. 100 huh? here is an enthusastic "wooo!"

May 4, 2007 at 9:45 PM  

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